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regulationThe game is simple, it's a mix of soccer and volleyball. This game is played with the feet, the head and all the other members of your body except the arms.

Field and equipment

Terrain de volleyball


The field does not change from that of volleyball. For example, the net is much lower than the real one. 
Image de Miguel Teirlinck

The Ball

The ball does not change from that of volleyball. She's just a little harder than usual.


That there is land but no net is not very useful. To play there must be a net and ESPECIALLY it must be 1 meter from the ground.

Image de Miguel Teirlinck


1. This game is played with 2 teams of five.
2. You have the right to all yhe members of your body without the arms.
3. The goal is to keep the ball in the air.
4. A player cannot touch the ball twice consecutively.
5. You are allowed to make three passes before returning the ball to the other side of the net.
6.To gain 1 point, the ball must land in the square of the other team.
7. The round ends when one of the two teams have 20 points.
8. Don't forget it's for fun!

Sports wear

sweater and shorts


Shoes and knee pad

Long bottom



Ball: a solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game.

Net: Rope mesh covering a cage used as a ball catcher in certain ball sports.

Game: Physical or mental activity whose main goal is the pleasure it provides.

Goal:the goal of the game must be exposed to the players without immediately mentioning the conditions of victory and end of the game.

Field:the field is a playing surface used for various sports. This surface can be exterior or interior, in the latter case it is called a “gymnasium”, in France and Canada, or “omnisport hall”, in Belgium.



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